With gladdened hearts, the NUNSA National President; Nr. Khadija Motunrayo Musa & the entire NUNSA Populace say a hearty congratulations to all New Registered Nurses of Nigeria for successfully passing their exams and earning the Nursing Title (Nr/Nrs).
We are proud of your milestone and wish you great achievements in executing your roles are Nigerian Nurses. You’ve joined the wagon of Nurses in Nigeria and we are ecstatic to see all that you’ll accomplish.
As New Registered Nurses; you are expected to use the Nursing Title (Nr/Nrs) in every necessary documentation and in Public spaces. Carry the Nursing Title with pride for you have earned it!
Congratulations again to the New Registered Nurses!
Greater Successes are ahead!
Nr. Khadija Motunrayo Musa
NUNSA National President.