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NUNSA press is a team of intelligent and passionate student nurse writers and reporters nationwide at the service of The Nigerian Universities Nursing Students’ Association (NUNSA)

The aims of NUNSA press is to promote the essence of press activities and serve as an umbrella body for all university Nursing press in their work of protecting the interest of the public: Nursing students.

Her objectives are to:

1. Encourage and promote press publication nationally and locally by local chapter press from all nursing institution press in Nigeria.

2. Respond to National, International, health or Nursing issues through press release and publications.

3. Improve the conditions of Nursing journalism by promoting and protecting the principle of freedom of speech and of the press and the public (Nursing students,…) right’s to know.

The affairs of NUNSA press are co-ordinated by the National Editor -in- Chief, The Deputy Editor -in- Chief and all the Editor -in- Chiefs from all nursing institutions nationwide.

Be on the look out for more interesting updates from NUNSA Press via this website.

NUNSAPress – Pen and passion


National Editor-in-chief

Adebayo Emmanuel







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